PUBLIC HEARING: You will have an opportunity to speak your thoughts and let your voice be heard on,

October 19, 2023 at 6 PM 

St. George City Hall

175 East 200 North

St. George, UT 84770



This election Voters will have the opportunity to vote on the Trails, Parks & Recreation General Obligation (G.O.) Bond, which will be used to connect trails, upgrade parks, and improve community recreation facilities in the City of St. George to maintain and enhance quality of life.

The $29 million G.O. Bond will be a renewal of the bond levy approved by the voters in 1996/98 for park system improvements. This means that taxpayers will see no impact on the annual amount of property taxes that they pay to the city.

The map to the left is the PROPOSED Projects map and below here is a list of the PROPOSED PROJECTS. Click each one to learn more about it.

CLICK the MAP to go directly to the St. George City Website for all of the details and to view the FAQ’s on the BOND and its details.

A long vision.
Dating back to the 1990’s the vision of the original 1996/1998 Bond Project was to map out what has been dubbed the “quality of life” for the growing city. The 2023/2024 renewal of this Bond is a plan to help continue this long vision of St. George and prioritize Trails, Parks and Recreation as a staple in our community. Below are the Proposed projects the $29 million is intended to go towards.
Proposed Facilities
The City of St. George plans to expand and enhance existing facilities for community participation. These facilities will serve as places where the community can spend time with family and friends, exercise, play or relax.

Canyons Softball Complex

New Playground with Shade, Pickleball Courts & New Field Lighting

Dixie Sunbowl

New Seating & Post Tension Concrete Floor

Sand Hollow Aquatic Center

Splash Pad

The Fields at Little Valley Soccer Complex

Soccer Field Lighting & Skate Park

Town Square

Performance Stage & New Restrooms